I bought this pedal because it "had it all": Great price, great sound, perfect size and works at 9V (many others work at 18V or need to be plugged to AC).
Sadly 9V part is just not very true. After failing to making it work with 4 different power units (a Palmer, a Rockboard, a Harley Benton and finally a Strymon); and making sure that the problem was not current related, since I used the 300mA - 500mA on all the power units. I decided to arm myself with a multimeter and test.
In some forum, it claims that the pedal needs 9.8V to work, which is 0.2V more than the 9.6V that most 9V DC units actually deliver. My own test showed it needed 10.2V. Since I am using now the Strymon unit, it means I cannot connect my Good-Vibe to my pedal board without using the original adapter (now it makes sense why is one of the few pedals including and adapter). Which in practical terms it means it is out of my board.
I love using it, but it always goes offboard. I am considering investing in one that uses 18V which my power unit can actually deliver.