It's simply a great intro to the Hifi world and a great all-rounder.
- really comfortable
- great build quality
- great sound for everything except if you need lots of bass.
Typical neutral/ balanced Sennheiser sound, mix of 500 & 600 series.
- easy to drive: ipod, , tablet, TV, gaming, synths/DP, computer, ...
- The comfort plus the warmth and clarity will please everyone. I just bought one for my mother and she loves it
Nothing really, maybe the cables will not be to your taste and you'll need cables with a twist-lock system as replacement.
If you need more bass extension, check close-backs like AKG K371 or Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro 80 Ohm
If you want very good detailed reviews, watch metal571 & Wheezy reviews on Youtube.
It's really a no-brainer if you like open-backs headphones and don't need lots of bass extension