I don't usually do reviews for something so small and "unimportant" as a plectrum. I have always had problems with dropping my pick. I've tried to fix that by buying coarse picks to give better grip. I've even used picks that had actual sandpaper on the grip portion. Nothing works. So that's just the way it is. Recently picked up playing Blues lead guitar, both electric and acoustic. My instructor suggested I switch to a thick non flexible plectrum for better control. I've tried a few 1.0+ mm picks with some decent success but I always seem to misplace them. I don't know why. When I saw these, I thought, more expensive, but I'm still learning this whole thick plectrum thing, why not give it a try. I'm very glad I did. First off, I don't drop these picks ever. Not ever. Grip is amazing. But that's not the best part. It's the way the pick makes contact and release of the string. Smooth like glass, but very controllable. The attack is amazing! But I stress, VERY controllable!! There is no popping of strings ever. the pick makes contact with the string, plucks it and releases instantly. Literally like smooth glass! I highly recommend that everyone try these. They last forever, unlike celluloid or nylon or Delrin or whatever other synthetic pick material you can come up with. But it won't wear out your strings like steel or brass picks will. Just give it a chance. Buy one and give it a shot. They come in every normal pick size and shape you are used to from 351 to super thick tiny Jazz plectrums. Even big triangle heavy rock picks. Just buy one in your favorite size and shape, and try it out. Not so great for strumming acoustic guitars, at least for me, but killer for electric!!