I use the headset as an auxiliary tool for composing and mixing music. Still, it's an amazing relief when I put this headset on my head. So far, I have used the AKG K240 MkII (much lower bass and total quieter handset), much more expensive FOCAL proffesional (cast money, no bass power, unpleasant sound that does not have much to do with the actual mix).
The most interesting thing is that the first AKG and FOCAL I was paid for more than twice at price, so I expected from the current ones average quality for so little money. I made a mistake, to my luck.
I warmly recommend these headphones for long and comfortable composing and mixing, do not be afraid of low prices, not a latch.
Some people mention that they are not isolated/closed enough, but I do not work at the factory, so they are quite isolated while some musicians are playing around me. Maybe the thing is that I'm not doing loud - metal music :)