I'm very surprised with this pedal. It's very good for what it costs.
I bought it to built a small pedalboard, light enough to be taken on public transport, which I would use on rehearsals (I don't like to carry my main, large pedalboard).
This compressor is better than I expected; first of all it's transparent and quiet. Well, I can hear some hiss, especially when I increase Sustain, but it's because it amplifies all quieter sounds including hiss coming from single coils.
It doesn't color a sound like dyna type compressors (with might be your thing or not), but it's different type of compressor. This is limiter type, so it works best for me as a last pedal in the chain. Not that you can't put it first. The is no right or wrong here - the best is what works best for you.
Pros: transparent (doesn't color a tone), quiet
Cons: plastic enclosure