After considering other tube amps combos for home hobby playing, I decided for this one. It has definetly not the sound od Princenton Reverb from Fender, but for 320 Eur, it is a good value.
With the external overdrive box or through the own overdrive chanel it gives the real rock experience and sound.
Playing the clear tones without any effects as in jazz music or similar, I would say, the sound is a bit doubtful. You have to work with setting to get the tone you desire.
My feeling is that the higher tones sounds, as the loudspeaker was made from old aluminium cooking pot. :-(
Of course, all regarding tones is rather about the feeling of your own ear.
The box of the amp seems to be solid, the knobs durable, footswitch made of metal as well, the diods in footswitch produce reasonable light and I am pretty happy with this amp.
If considering any kind of upgrade of this amp, the change of the Turbosound louspeaker seems to be an option.
I can reccomend this amp for those, they wish to have first tube amp experience, and save money at same time.