You can't really go wrong with cables with these specs and price range, if they have Neutriks.
Cheap cables are usually not fitted with Neutriks.
It's not that Neutrik is the only good plug out there, but they're one of the best. Roland, Pro-Cab and a few others have very good plugs on their own, but you know, Neutrik is an industry standard.
Thomann has it's own collection of cables, and there are several other ranges with similar spec cables to be found with other suppliers.
I have sorted a custom length drum miking cable set for myself.
All the cables on the drums are being nicely organized, routed together, and all come out at the same point to be plugged in.
That way I have no excess cable I won't use anyway, it also looks cleaner.
Some lengths are not available with other brands, some other lengths are not available with this brand.
It's a matter of shopping around.
I wanted the same spec cables for the toms, and even so for the 2 overheads. To be sure of a balanced signal. Especially when you use similar and/or matching mics,
This particular spec cable I used for the toms and snare.
They're good as it gets. Rugged, good looking, reliable, good coating which you can notice by the way they lay down flat on the floor and always roll up nice.