I was looking for a reed trimmer in hopes of saving some reeds that I would otherwise not use. When asking around, a few friends recommended this particular reed trimmer. I also looked at the Vandoren reed trimmers, but they are a bit too expensive for my taste.
I like the fact that the cordier is all metal, although fitment can be a bit tricky. Mainly because on my unit the reed clamping part is pretty loose and moves side to side enough that you'll want to check the tip of the reed for being straight after any other adjustment. The adjustment screw is nice, but again it doesnt keep the reed straight enough that you don't have to check the reed after moving it.
So overall I'm happy to say it does exactly what it's supposd to and I have known them to last for a very long time. Getting the reed exactly where you want takes a bit of practice, but after you get used to it, it's pretty straight forward.