These are almost indestructible! I abuse my strings with a steel pick and bending notes out of shape, and using other brands (none mentioned), snapping strings in mid-concert used to be a real drag.
Not so with these! The cryo technique may seem a little outlandish but it really, really works. Maintains tone for ages, holds together for even longer. I've broken fewer strings over the last few years I've bene using these than I used to break in a month with my old brand!
But on top of that, these strings also have incredibly good consistency, and it's worth getting them for that reason alone. Especially one particular other, major brand that I used to use for many years was physically incapable of delivering two strings of the same dimension that actually WERE the same dimension, which caused me all sorts of problems. Dean Markley's tolerance interval, however, seems to be set to zero, so when you get a .008 or so, you will get just that.
To me, that's an extreme advantage.