Robust, feels like it was built from quality materials, really easy to read the display, the buttons are comfortable to handle, and the whole device is so well designed that even a toddler can handle it. A little bit bigger in size than expected (that's what she said), but still pretty portable. Probably the size is the only downside of the Digital Sound 8928, as the price is also more than affordable. I'm using it for studio sound penetration level metering, and house / room sound isolation test, and various sound level checks, and so far it works like a charm. With the feature of logging and keeping the highest / lowest record you can place it in a desired place, do the test and check the results after. It's really handy if you do test alone, or when soundproofing a room, so you are making the "noise" inside, and have to measure from the outside at the same time.
Or when you're playing an instrument and you need both hands. You can measure exhaust sound levels, amplifier outputs, concert hall levels, road noise, almost every sound level. It's even fun to play around with it, I measured almost everything in the first few days when I got it. One more to the pros list: the battery seems to last forever in this thing, I don't know how but it never dies. Totally worth every cent, 100 percent recommended.