Good build quality, intuitive handling and features. I also like the sound of it. But beware: the biggest minus of this is the sudden cut off of the signal. This is also mentioned in some previous comments. You play a pitch, the feedback is nice, slowly (you can adjust the speed) increasing - just like you are close to an amplifier, it is nicely graduating...and...and sudden cut. Like if the power got cut off. It looks weird, sounds weird, during a show one might say that you did something very wrong, something unwanted happened. It would be great if the cut off is descending the same way as it is ascending. This way, you are not able to 100% predict its behavior - will it ring or will it stop now? Maybe it can be practiced (or as I do - I just don't wait too long...), but in any case, there is this 'sudden death' of a signal.