This pedal is as standard as standard can be with a fuzz pedal. Much has been written about the subtle differences between transistors, Ge and Si, and wether the pedal was polished with vegan gloves bathed in virgin owl urine.
Mates, it's a fuzz. It's quite literally the simplest circuit of a pedal ever made. The only thing it makes it cost this much is the 'vintage' tax and the Hendrix name tagged onto it.
Now, as fuzzes go, you have lots of choice. I would separate Ge and Si fuzzes, and and Muff-style fuzzes to it if you're looking for a late-60s, early 70s sound. For a Muff-style you don't have to complicate things, get a Big Muff, period.
For earlier fuzzes, if you absolutely need good cleanup or want to use the pedal as an always on thing, get the red mini one. Cleans up great, sounds big, it's a fuzz, just keep in mind that Ge ones tend to be picky with ambient temperature swings, and I live in a country where 40°C in the summer is guaranteed, sometimes the pedal would just stop working.
If you want a more stable fuzz, the this one. It's a Si one but it stills cleans up well, you just need to turn the knob more and it gives that saw-like piercing sound. Think Gilmour playing the Time solo. Just dime both knobs, use your guitar tone knob the bring it back a bit to the point where the highs stop overpowering the mids and there you go, simple as that.
Oh, and it's built like a tank, I hit it with my shin at altough the physical pain went away, forever I am traumatized by the memory of the pain.