The angle jacks really are the most compact you will ever find. Not only slim in height, but also short. They permit not only the smallest possible gap between pedals on top of your board, but also the neatest installation with switchers, where the gap between sockets is usually pretty tight.
I cannot yet comment upon their longevity in use, but their cables are so slim that I wonder if they will also be a bit fragile. Time will tell. But, in the meantime you benefit from fabulous flexibility.
However, although signal integrity appears to be very clean, I have found that they can be susceptible to noise if you roll them between finger and thumb. Not as bad as Rockboard cables, but they still crackle a bit when scrunched. Of course, in a fixed installation where they are not subjected to movement or strain this would not be an issue.
Despite their rather high price, I have used them exclusively for on-board pedal connections in preference for Rockboard cables which, whilst more robust, are more sensitive to induced noise.