This pedal does not sound anything like the big muff. It is noisy, and the sustain is dirty. I have a Palmer professional power supply, and if I engage this pedal it generates a crapload of noise, and the sound is horrible, no matter how I link it in the pedal chain. If you did consider this pedal for a bit of extra grid and sustain (just as the advertisement states on the EHX website "if you like Pink FLoyd, this is the setting for you" like I did, forget about it. It sounds awful, and nothing even close to Pink Floyd. I have the same pickups as Gilmore, and a real good amp. You get much closer to his sound (if you would want that at all, which I don't), you have much more chance with the EHX nano metal pedal, on a clean tube amp channel and bit of chorus (Neo clone) and delay(whichever if clean).
And it is also a tone suck pedal.
I do not recommend it at all.