This is basically everything a volume pedal should be... sturdy enough to take some abuse, straight forward, and passive!
The only thing I don't like about this pedal is how far it moves, it feels like my foot is at an un-natural angle when all the way down, but I'm sure I'll get used to that.
I can't comment on the "tone-sucking" of using the tuner output on this pedal as I have a Line 6 G30 wireless receiver going into it which has a built in buffer so my tone doesn't suffer with the tuner out, but others may have different results.
I've heard that the string in these is quite fragile, but from giving it a little flick it seems perfectly strong to me, especially as there isn't too much tension on it.
There's a nice little feature of a dip switch just inside the pedal which toggles two different modes, almost like it goes from linear to logarithmic increase. I guess this is useful if there's a specific usage you want from your volume swells, but it's more or less redundant for me as I leave it on linear!