The case should survive a nuclear attack. Quite expensive, but I don't worry at all about the gear which is inside, which was the reason in the first place for buying the case. It has also a really nice design - smooth lines (i didn't notice this on the pictures). It will probably make scratches from transportation less visible (not that the scratches on a case bother me too much). The quality of the foam inside is okay. It is easy to form it as you need. The result looks neat. After glueing together two layers of foam they do not move when the gear is taken out of the case. My first impression was that the foam is too soft as I can easily push it with a finger. However, after putting the gear inside (square-shaped, approx 5 kg weight) the foam does not bend at all so it works as expected.
One downside - the bottom foam is not precisely cut so it is moving a little bit. It was an issue for me, as I had to remove a larger part of the foam lnlay. However, after putting removed foam from the inlay on the sides of the bottom foam, it works perfectly.
I highly recommend this case.