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What are Cre­at­ive Bundles?

In our online catalogue, you will find many sets we have put together for you. We have done so to save you the anger and frustration of opening your delivery and noticing that you didn't order the necessary cables, plectrums, or other accessories. But musicians are a creative bunch, and it is no wonder therefore that not every musician wants the same accessories and equipment. And surely you'll want to save a euro or two when you buy a complete set.

For this reasons, we have made our so-called Creative Bundles available with many of our products. Starting on the main item's page, you can assemble your very own Creative Bundle.

Click the items you want included in your personal Bundle. Your Bundle must contain at least one item from one of the obligatory product categories offered. But there are also other optional items which you are free to add to your Bundle. When you have added all the components you want, you will see the total price, the amount you are saving, and a button to move the entire bundle into your shopping basket.

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