After waiting for some moths for this guitar to be available, I finally got it some days ago.
I have many guitars in all price ranges and so I did not expect it to be on par with my MIM or MIA Strats, but somehow to be close to my 2015 Custom 62 CV Telecaster, but for the non-lacquered neck.
Right out of the box I already disliked the feel of the raw wood back of the neck. It was not even polished. As I read others have done, I could polish and wax the neck until it was smooth enough, but that was not my intention from the beginning. At the most, a new set of AlNiCo pickups instead of the ceramic ones, if I didn't like the sound of these. But I did not even reach to this point.
The time it took to try to tune the guitar (the strings kept going out of tune all the time, but I didn't even bother to give it a set of fresh strings) was enough for me to realise that I did not want to keep this guitar. So back it went the next day.
I don't think I buy another guitar for a long time. Which is not a bad thing, considering that I have plenty of them.