The bags quality is great.
It is easy to adjust the straps. I have only a few times in total(I have had it for 2 years) experienced that one of the snap-lock mechanism has moved out of place, so that it was not connected when picking up the bag. The one strap is fine at holding it up right, so it won't jolt to one side. It has not happened when I have been walking with the bag.
The side handle is great.
The bag is a bit bulky(due to the thick layer of padding) and would take up a portion of ones trunk or the three passenger seats in the back of the car, which can be fine if someone does not mind sitting under the bag. The bag can hit ones bike helmet when cycling, but if you sit in the right position, which is not hard to get into, it won't be a problem. It is no problem if you are just walking.
I haven't had problems walking through doorways, but if the doorway is low. I could foresee problems getting through, without having to take the bag off ones bag.
The padding feels great and solid. My guitar hasn't gotten a scratch or anything, but I haven't dropped it or anything, though I suppose it would be able to handle that easily.
There are a lot of pockets, so you will never run out of space with this bag. I can't even fill up half of it.
There is far more than enough room for ones paper, a tablet(possibly even a small laptop), picks, replacement strings, cables, the rain cover itself which has a pocket at the back of the bag.
It is easy to apply the rain cover, but the bag itself can also sustain a bit of rain without it being on.
The product is all in all just great. I would highly recommend it.