I bought this rack bag to be able to transport my 19" equipment. Since I have to get around by bike, the rack bag enables me to carry for example my preamp on my back to a gig. Comfortable would be the wrong word to describe riding a bike with this bag on my back, but it is possible for short distances.
The rack is build very solidly with a top and bottom made from wood. The unit mounted into the rack is well protected. The mounting units on the front in my rack however are not positioned at the same hight. The mounted unit sits tilted, but it still fits. So this is more an optical point, but still it could have been done better.
I sometimes would prefer it, if you could remove the front door completly. If you have other rack equipment standing under this rack, the door has to be put under the rack.
Because of the bag on top of the rack it is not possible to put other racks on top of it, as you would with normal racks.
If you need the advantages in transportation a rackbag offers, this one is worth considering. Otherwise I would recommend a normal rack.