the idea is nice , but the 3 size offered are simply too long for many floyds , a shorter piston wold suffice .I took small and is ok (still touches claw if you bend up a lot ) . i can NOT see how medium or large size ( longer piston ) would go in any guitar.. piston would bee too long right away.
Installation is very hard ( I DISSASSEMBLE my FLoyds since decades so i know what i say) .Cause is very difficult to catch end of the spring wither way , they should at least prepare one side already ready to be connected , i scratched my tremolo block , so tight..and i'm a muscular guy _
it works "partially" , you go out of tune if you go drop D but slightly so ok for live use , not for recording. Bendings get lot easier and similar in feeling ("halfway feeling") to the hardtail bridges . It also slighltly change tone of strings , but not in a bad/good way ,justt little different -if you disengage with the provided thumbscrew ,the sound get back as before .
It does noise /resistance even in the piston (not picked by the amp) cause the tremolo block and the claw are not in same "line " ( adjusting action put away from same line cause normal springs have their own line different from the tremmory,thouse piston has a not perfect straight insert action) .
As it has those little drawbacks i think is too expensive ,would be more right to be in the 70/ 80 € price than 110€ as is sold , in my opinion .