This is the second time I am buying this product - the first time was a year ago and the pedal was great! Very soft compression, really almost close to transparent with a nice high-end roll off that fattens that tone and makes it rounder.
Since the first pedal was a keeper, I bought this pedal a second time for my studio, but my oh my the power supply socket is problematic -it seems that it is too far inside and so the cable does not come into place properly, rendering the use of the pedal with a power supply next to impossible.I had a similar problem with another Harley benton pedal but back then I took the time to open it and correct the problem by myself by pushing the power slot further to the outside and the situation improved. I will not spend more time to do the same here though, I will just use it occasionally with a battery.
In a nutshell, this is a very nice pedal if you don't get a faulty unit or if you intend to use it with batteries. TO be fair, I have two more Harley Benton pedals (tremolo, brirtish) and the power is working OK. I wish they improved the quality on these pedals so that people don t have to go through a hit / miss & return procedure.