This Pedal is a basic pedal, however for someone who is a beginner with can open up a lot of future opportunities with the tones.
The Attack knob on the pedal, if cranked up, can give a harsher pick to string ratio. The Sustain knob is quite a catch in this one. If you enjoy cleans, cranking up a little the sustain can help clean up a bit those ringing notes. When it comes to Gain utilities, this pedal while good lacks, a bit as the sustain can either be overwhelming or underwhelming. Sound wise, this pedal definitely will effect the quality of any licks and riff, and can teach a less experienced musician regarding the ins and outs of analogue compression.Given that the pedal itself, is made of a sturdy material, I believe this may hinder a bit the actual sounds coming from an amp.
For Its' Value its'definitely worth purchasing as an experimental pedal. Value for money and the build is very aesthetically pleasing.