This is a really sturdy strap , nice thick leather (at this price!) with padding. I use it for my Gretsch 5420 (large hollow body guitar) and it feels nice and secure. The strap length adjustment seems fiddly to start with , but is logical and it's never going to slip. If you needed to change strap length often this might get a bit annoying, maybe.
A few drawbacks - depending on which end you attach to which end of the guitar, either the neck end of it seems just too thick, and padding goes almost all of the way to the strap button, plus the bit where the adjustment happens sticks in my ribs a little bit (but not actually painfully) . turn it the other way the padding only pads my back, it doesn't reach as far as my shoulder, but the narrow bit goes to the neck strap button which looks better and might actually improve higher fret access depending where your strap button is.
it's a shame that both ends aren't narrow with the wider part with the padding covering the shoulder.
I'm slightly concerned about the padding, will it eventually disintegrate like old PVC, turning to black goo? If so, I'll most likely buy another one anyway, they're such good value.