Up until now I had just the one large pedal board powered with a Strymon Zuma with an Ojai slaved off it. These provide very clean, quiet power and I'm really happy with them but I wanted to set up another board for trying new stuff out and swapping pedals in and out etc and obviously need a power supply for this. Before forking out for a more expensive solution, I thought I'd try one of these, the specifications look good for my use case and I didn't feel it was a risky choice since I'm sure Thomann's excellent customer service would have been happy to take it back in favour of a more expensive unit had this one not been suitable.
Firstly, although it doesn't contribute to the function at all, I will jsut say that the packaging is very nice and gives an initial good impression. Of course a nicely presented box is worthless in the device doesn't work well but still a nice touch. The power supply itself feels very solid, I'm pretty sure you could drive your band bus over it without it breaking which is always nice. It looks good too though again that is not really important since it won't be visible under a pedal board. In use it is wonderfully boring, just what you need from a power supply, no drama at all. I've had it powering a bunch of higher current digital and some older school analog pedals and I don't hear any odd noises (other than my playing ha ha). There seems to be plenty of power available, plugging devices that recommend a 500mA supply into one of the 250mA outlets just works (not that I recommend doing that long term) and just for 'research' I tried very briefly shorting out one outlet and as expected the indicator LED for that outlet went off to show the fault and once I removed the short it came back on and worked - perfect!
All in all I am quite impressed so far and feel this is very good value for money. I like having the IEC mains connector because I don't like having the rather flimsy wall warts and unlike some other comments here, I don't want an on/off switch on the power supply because it is more to go wrong and there is the potential to accidentally turn it off when playing. Also, I have no issue wit the length, flexibility or connectors on the leads, they seem reasonable quality and it is easy to buy replacements if you really want them. The case does get warm but not hot and I don't see that as an issue. Well worth checking out.