At first glance these jacks seem quite good, reasonably cheap and easy to assemble, and most importantly compact. I bought these for my pedalboard because of the latter.
Well, 5 months later I discovered, after disassembling my board cause I couldn't get sound, that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE JACKS has rusted. It was just a carnage there. WHAT? I had not spilled anything on the pedalboard, the humidity is fine, NONE OF THE OTHER jacks that are not HICON that were assembled for the pedalboard had even a trace of rust, they were completely clean! BUT THESE HICONS WERE JUST COMPLETELY COVERED IN RUST. I have no idea what happened there, but judging by how fine were my Neutrik connectors in the same pedalboard assembled the same day as these Hicons I can probably say DON'T BUY THESE, buy Neutrik or something instead idk.