This bag is sturdy and comfortable to use because it is really light and not bulky at all!
So in my opinion no doubt it is a really good tool made with high quality materials, but I want to warn potential buyers about this:
my advice is DON'T BUY IT if you power your mixpre with a L-series type of battery!
The MX-L battery sled will fit perfectly into the bag (it actually keeps the mixpre steadier) but the battery won't, because the bag's width is 51 cm only. I use a SWIT battery which is particularly big (8 cm width) but I think any other battery, even smaller, wouldn't fit inside.
The internal dimensions are indicated so, of course, this was totally my mistake because I didn't pay enough attention when I purchased it. So I ended up returning this and buying a bigger bag, no big deal but I hope this review can be helpful and prevent someone to do the same mistake