The sound is smoky, full, with only a hint of buzz associated with synthetic reeds. After the Signature (which is a lot brighter, but still quite pleasant and very durable), which was ok, but had a much more aggressive tone, the American really hits the jazzy spot. It's an absolute joy to play, always pulling me in to play more than the time I allot for my practice regime. The only downside (compared to the Signature) is durability - it loses its consistency and starts to crack (slight hairline cracks in the tip) and fray (at the edges) after about 2-3 months of regular practice (cca. 1hr daily), even if I use 2-3 of them in rotation (swapping the reed after every practice/gig). If you purchase one and like it, make sure you purchase at least one more or two to have in rotation to delay this deterioration.