Got this keyboard yesterday, so I can't say anything about durability.
Overall quality is very sturdy, metal casing feels nice, knobs are very tight, touch strips are decently responsive, all the LED's are brighter than on a lot of other gear I have. Buttons are a little small and clicky, but they do the job, and they are customizable.
A nice touch of 5pin midi connector. I wish more companies did it.
Now the keys: I've had some Akai's and Novation's mini-sized keyboards, and now I can't even understand how I tolerated that junk. Midiplus x3 offers excellent keys. I've seen people complain about the size. C'mon, one buying a mini keyboard should know what one's doing. I've got it for the portability, and as long as I know that these are smaller than regular keys the quality of the keybed is extremely good. For this ridiculous price you get a piece of gear that feels premium. After Novation Launchkey Mini and Akai LPK, or Novation Mininova and Microkorg for that matter this keyboard feels real!
Excellent value for the money
Great keybed
Tight assignable knobs
Overall feel of high quality product
My only complaint: the CC buttons are momentary only. Would be great to have a toggle mode for them.