I love these straps, they're so comfortable and look and feel excellent!
Other reviewers mentioned the strap being way too long, but I don't have any issues. Like with any strap, some trial and error is required to get to your preferred length, but once that's done these are set and built to last.
Been using them for half a year now to hold my bass (heavy) and I haven't noticed any tearing or deforming yet.
Had to soak the holes in water in order to get my huge straplocks in, but that's all it needed to stretch out a bit and now they're nice and snug.
Being leather, they need some moisturising every year or so to keep them nice and lively, but that's a 5 minute job and the reward for doing so is well worth it!
I don't ever want use those nasty, cheap straps (you know the ones) ever again.