Got the F1, it's really nice but TBH, I'm not sure this is something to get.
It has LOADS of features, and you really need to learn it good to use it. I also knew that before I got it. and I've used it in my sets, but It's just so useless... And I don't mean the controller, the controller is awesome, the idea of using a remix deck. If you're aiming at doing live sets, where you mess around with stuff and actually make music, use Abelton Live. If you're plan is to mix all kind of samples over a track, well... why? The track has probably been well made, and got all the sounds it needs, if it doesn't why play it?
So yeah, the F1 can do a lot, it's a really nice controller, but unless you've used it and figured out you have to have it, I don't recommend getting it.