This pedal was more than I expected. I ordered it to have some delay and reverb at the end of my chain in one cheap pedal to save space and money. But the sounds are really nice and inspiring. The possibility of a parrallel circuit can make you go very ambient without mudding the sound. The sound of the different delaytypes is very organic and inviting to play.
Really good buy.
The DELAY is top. A little dark and the repeat attack is soft, wich makes it organic sounding. Especially the tape delay is really fun to play with. It also makes acceleration sounds when changing time. A tone knob would have been a nice extra, but is not necessary. The mix goes not so wet : the volume ('level') of the delay-tail goes only half of that of some other pedals. This is not big issue, because I like delay to be subtle and smooth and the dry sound blends in nicely anyway. The level knob is most of the time at or before noon when I play.
The REVERB is very good but the sound is not top reverb either. For top reverb sounds you have to pay more . It also has a darker sound. Here a tone knob would have been nice. In hall mode it goes very, very wide in time wich makes ambient absolutely possible. In the manual they say it goes full wet, but I'm not sure about that.
You can change the order of the effects but also put them in parrallel. This is interesting to keep the reverb out of the delay and go much more atmospheric without mudding the sound. This parrallel feature gives the pedal a unique quality . I can't do this with most other pedals. For this reason, I won't sell it easily.
You must know why you want to buy the pedal :
For end of chain, always on, but also to have the possibily to make some ambient atmospheres without mudding, it is very good value for the money. One of the best buys. The pedal has a lot of personality and can serve you well.
If the goal is specific ambient , then I think the Keely Caverns gives more possibilities if you want a combined delay/reverb pedal, or other more expensive brands. But still the Atlantic can do a lot on this field and has its own ambient vibes.