I've bought the pedals 3 months ago. I switched to them from a pair of pretty worn out Iron Cobras. The difference was quite drastic. So drastic in fact, that I was two days late on returning them (past the 30 days money back thing). So I kinda got stuck with them , and decided to work and try to get along with them.
I should mention also that I am an amateur drummer, and I play around once a week, on average. So it took me quite a while to get accustomed to the insanely accurate and fast way these pedals work. I am very happy I didn't return them, after practicing, plus a few tweaks and adjustments, I am now finally starting to improve on where I had left with the old pedals.
I guess the bottom line is, if you switch from a lower end pedal and expect to rip the double bass as soon as you put these babies on the drum, well...that's not gonna happen. They will however (at least they did to me) point out your every little mistake and hesitation. Essentially allowing you to correct yourself and improve as a player.
Hope this review helps those that are maybe, undecided, on whether they should get this product or not