The best flatwound bass strings ever? - everyone has different requirements from bass strings, but for me, Pyramid Golds are the ultimate old-school flats.
After a few weeks of settling in, the twang on the D & G disappears and they blend better with the E & A strings. The sound is amazingly warm and smooth, but with a defined fundamental. I've had these strings on most of my basses at some time or other, and they've tended to sound best on passive basses (Fender Jazz in particular), though having said that, they did sound amazing on my '89 neck-through Warwick Thumb. If you slap, or want a modern sound then these may not be for you.
Extremely smooth and polished finish, easy on the fingers and the fret (or finger) board.
Excellent. The longer they're kept on, the better they sound. I changed them on the Jazz bass after 6 years, as the E string had started to sound a little weird. Unless you're really ham-fisted, they will not break
Just love 'em. The classic bass sound, great feel, and they last forever.