I chose this 'bag based on design, brand reputation, and customer reviews.
It has thick padding, perfect for journeys in the car/van, where a flightcase might be too big; also handy when using public transport. Just remember how tall your headstock can be when you're going through a doorway.
The pockets are wide enough for leads, deep enough for tuner + pedals + a power supply - depending on how large your pedals/supply are.
I find that I can fit everything but my stand into this bag. (Bass, 3m instrument cable, 6m instrument cable, Tech21 Bass Driver, power supply, Korg Tuner, picks, earplugs, cloth)
If you were playing a small TC or Hotone amp, you could probably fit it into the large pocket on this bag.
Two problems so far.
Although this has so far endured a lot of handling, the handle on the front of the bag is stitched directly onto the faux leather - and has started to tear away. The faux leather simply isn't strong enough to deal with the lifting forces you'll put on it. The side handle, by contrast, is stitched to the woven 'skeleton' of the bag, and is solid and secure.
Second problem - only a tiny one - if you have long hair, and you want to wear this on your back - it will catch in the velcro pad near the top of the shoulder mounts. Not the end of the world, but it still becomes a nuisance.
Well built, but needs a slight design review. Fine to buy and use, as long as you avoid that weak front handle.