This is my first pedalboard ever, and I'm indeed happy with it. It's definitely super sturdy, feels practically bomb-proof. It took me a while to figure out how to attach my pedals to it, but with the included velcro and cable ties I succeeded. The holes in the board allow you to wire the cables (between the pedals, and also their power cables). I used a hair dryer to warm up the velcro before gluing it to the pedals and pedalboard.
The flight case is also super sturdy, I have no doubt it will protect my precious pedals in any situation! The padding in the inside is soft enough to allow for different size pedals, but also prevents them from moving around. So it's perfect. Be sure to check the dimensions of the flight case if you intend to put it in a specific place. It's quite big ...
Remember to get The Tray with this, you'll need it to attach your power supply to this!
The only downside is that, with the hard case, my pedalboard is quite heavy! A total of 15kg hahaha...