Its a bit pricey, but for me it really works. Over the years I've tried all kinds of drum devices from Alesis, Korg, Beatbuddy. I've made & bought stomp boxes based on wood & microphonic devices. I've used Trio's, Sdrums, Finhols, a cajon with backbeater. Theyve all had varying degrees of success, but theyve all had misgivings. My application, by the way, is to accompany my guitar/mic/sometime harp for solo performance. This pedal is exactly what I was looking for - a simple but realistic squelchy bass thump thru the PA. Its got many different sounds but around 3 are good for me, - a nice solid thump but with a realistic 'shhh' to it & a touch of reverb. Its soundly made - although suffered from usual slippage and footangle problem. I rectified both issues by building a wooden block with floor grips that supports my heel and sets the pedal face horizontal - so it's like tapping on the floor. I feel it is overpriced for what it does but it seems unique in what it offers. I must add my other favourite accompaniment is my Boss DR01s, a great simple automated but natural feeling accompaniment. So a double whammy for BOSS !