These are super comfortable, I can wear them for 4 hours and not get uncomfortable. The volume level is nice and loud and perfectly sufficient but not too loud like some of my other headphones that give me headaches after a few minutes.
Honestly stop looking, these Headphones are perfect for listening and also perfect for mixing on. I bought them to listen to the mixes each week after gettin home from recording my debut Album. It's a good buzz to get home & listen to the evolving mixes cause these Headphones really allow me to hear the smallest of noises. The producers head is wrecked, he bought monitors worth thousands recently & these Headphones put them to shame cause there are many things elusive on his monitors but they are clear as day on these headphones, which is exactly what i need, to be able to hear noises that need to be deleted later.
If you don't like critical listening, don't but these, if you do then Just buy them :)
Music sounds beautiful on these :)