First of all, I'm a complete beginner at playing the Kazoo. I was even close to removing the plastic film in the hole, thinking it was obstructing the sound when I first didn't get any sound out of it. Luckily I didn't, since the plastic wrap is necessary to get the Kazoo sound. Therefore I might not be the best person to evaluate the value of this Kazoo, especially since I have not tried any others.
I had the impression that a kazoo was a lot easier to play than it is. I thought all you had to do was blow into it and adjust the pitch with your mouth/tounge/air pressure as if you are whistling. It will take some practice to make it sound good.
I found that it is easier to make it sound kazoo-ey if you blow air into (or speak, or sing) in falsetto. Just blowing into it like normal may not produce any sound at all.
If you want to find out what it's like to play the Kazoo, I don't think it's any great loss to buy this one or another as they only cost a few euros. Look at the different reviews and try to see which one seems to be the best one for your purposes. One advantage with this one is that it's made in metal, meaning that it feels sturdy.