I was dead set on an Empress Echosystem after watching Youtube reviews and having been really impressed by the engines that can run in so many ways, and I thought nothing would change my mind.
However, I said to myself that I should give the Strymon Timeline a chance as well. I had the opportunity to spend some time with both of them for about 10 days and while indeed the Echosystem seemed to be more innovative with the features and the algorithms, what eventually made me go with the Timeline was most of all that it just sounded so much better to me and was easier in my opinion to dial in a good sound quickly.
Also, regarding the simplicity of the interface with the Echosystem, while I initially thought it was a good thing, in the end made it feel quite poorer in comparison.
Finally, as I already had a Strymon Mobius, it helped a lot that they are very consistent with their interface. And it is in the end a much better interface for me.
While the empress is also a very good pedal, in my opinion I don't think they can quite justify charging the same price as a strymon unit..
I think it's definitely interesting what Empress does with the engine modes (series, parallel, left/right) but I am not sure this was something that I would even need in the longrun, probably something that I would have fun for a while and then never use again.
I hope this helps someone having the same soul eating dilemma as I had :)