TC Electronic was founded in 1976 by Kim John Rishø. The headquarter is in Risskov (DK).
The parent company TC Electronic includes the following brands as well TC-Helicon, Tannoy, Lab.Gruppen as well as TC Works.
The brand TC Electronic is part of the Music Group parent group and brands like TC-Helicon, Klark Teknik, Midas, Bugera and of course Behringer belong to it as well.
We currently list 139 TCE products 124 of them are available for immediate dispatch and 3 offers are in our current Hot Deals. Thomann has been selling TC Electronic products since 1995.
TC Electronic products are a must have ... Every 45th Thomann customer has bought at least one TC Electronic product at Thomann.
To help you further with information on TC-Electronic products, you will find also product descriptions 24875 media, tests and opinions about TC-Electronic products - amongst them the following 1657 product pictures, 92 different 360 panoramic views, 543 sound samples, 22432 costumers' product reviews and 151 test reports from magazines (in various languages).
A total of 24 TC-Electronic products are top sellers at Thomann at the moment, amongst others in the following categories Looper Pedals, Guitar/Bass Tuners, Solid-State Bassheads, Reverb Pedals, Delay/Echo Pedals, Compressor Pedals and Chorus/Flanger/Phaser Pedals.
Current top seller and all time favourite is the following product TC Electronic PolyTune 3 Tuner/Buffer. We have sold already over 20.000 of this product.
TC Electronic products belong to the most hits on our website. Within the last month products from this manufacturer have had over 600.000 hits on the Thomann Online Store.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for TC Electronic products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on