I bought this pedal after buying two pedals from the T.C. Electronics' range - a Flashback delay and a Hall of Fame reverb pedal - because I wanted to add some dirt to my growing collection. I was so impressed by the first two pedals that I had no problem opting for this one, even though TC wouldn't generally be the first name one hears when it comes to overdrive and distortion. As I was a bit skint, I opted for the Dark Matter option, and I have to say, it was a perfect choice.
The only drawback is that when recording, the click of the on/off switch is audible, whereas on the other two pedals it is not. I was a bit taken aback by this and wondered if it was just the one I was sold, however, I pursued it no further.
As far as quality and build are concerned, there is absolutely no issue with this pedal and the sounds are just right for me - I was looking for fuzzy, Dave Gilmour-type sounds amongst others for the purposes of some shoe-gaze, endless, ambient guitar compositions and to be honest, I was very impressed. Definitely wonderful for seventies style Marshall sounding drives. At that price, there is not much to be expected, but prepare to be very pleasantly surprised! Highly recommended.