I remember when that pedal cost 3 times as much, so once I saw this price drop I purchased one. It promises 20 db of clean boost but it is not like the mini spark. At the "clean" setting you have to increase the gain to get those 20db, which adds some distortion of the pedal. With the gain at 0 it only rises the volume at about 3-4 db (I m only guessing, in any case very little). At the other settings, the mid can do the ts thing by dropping the bass knob almost at 0, while the fat setting well it seems it's working as the mojomojo, but with much less gain, though it can totally work as a light overdrive.
What I don't like is that it keeps this "airy" quality, in every setting and I have to reduce the treble to get rid of it, but like that the mid setting doesn't get aggressive enough. It works fine but not quite as good as a ts.
So if you plan to use it in front of the amp, you get 3-ish- pedals at one. None of these modes though are as good as the equivalent pedal. If you need it for the fx loop for a solo boost, I suggest the mini spark. For the price it's a 6 star pedal, but price aside, well it's not amazing