I bought the sub n up after selling my Pog2.
As I still needed the octave function, I decided on the Mini sub n Up as a fairly cheap alternative after wasting a lot of money on a Pog. The brilliance of this pedal is that it removed the hassle of having too many presets, options and switches (as the Pog2 has) on a pedal.
I liked the Pog2 and it's a great pedal to have, it just gets too overwhelming for someone who just occasionally uses the octave for certain things.
Now about the pedal itself, it has a very wide range of possibilities within such a tiny 3 knob item. The toneprint/editor is a great feature for tweaking whatever sound you want. From simple octaves, classic, polyphonic and organ-like sounds, adding tremolos, lowpass or hipass filters through the editor, you can really get what you can also get from the Pog (without nitpicking quality, it is up to scratch) minus all the hassle. It tracks well, adds a good body to the sound and has personality. All in all a must for such an affordable price.