Overall, I think it's a great bag - it looks good, it's well-padded, and it's really practical. However, you should be aware of what type of guitars will fit in it.
The bag is designed to fit a regular-sized electric guitar, like a Strat or a Les Paul, and an acoustic guitar. And it does a great job of that - both of my guitars fit in there really comfortably, even a jumbo acoustic is fine and it even has plenty of padding to protect both of them. But I did want to try to fit my semi-hollow electric guitar in there, and unfortunately, it just wouldn't fit.
If you have a semi-hollow electric guitar, you might want to look for a bag that's specifically designed to accommodate that type of guitar.
That being said, I'm really happy with it. The bag is well-made and really practical, and it's made transporting my guitars a lot easier.
The storage space on this bag - there's a lot of it! In addition to the main compartment that fits the guitars, there are several other pockets that are perfect for storing accessories. The front pocket is particularly spacious, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could even fit my laptop in there along with all tje accessories. This makes the bag even more practical for me, as I often need to bring my laptop with me to gigs and rehearsals.
Overall, despite the fact that my Gretsch Streamliner didn't fit in it, I'm really happy with my purchase. I would definitely recommend giving this one a try. It's a gamechanger for me!