Perennial problem...every venue has a wooden floor, so hit kit, kit slides. I have used mats, beer crates, gaf tape, you name it and still i find the kits slowly moves away from me while playing. So when I bought a new shell I thought I would buy a Drum Rug too. What a revelation. I put the rack on rug, the drums on rack, hit the drums and there was no movement. Played a few gigs and always ended up where I started from. The rug covered holes, bumps, rusty nails, you know the stuff you find in a venue. It even keeps my feet warm! I used a little tape to remind me where the rack goes and all i do when setting up is to roll out the Drum rug and place the rack. An added bonus is that the Rug denotes my drumming space and once its on the floor, neither guitarist or bass player go near!