I used this to attach pedals to a homemade pedal board.
As an alternate to velcro, it's a nice idea, but it grips to itself far too strongly, making it difficult to remove pedals. If you're using C or Z connectors between your pedals, you might actually break the pedal or the connector, as the grip is crazy strong. Works great if you're using patch cables, though.
The glue on the tape is very, very strong. In fact, it's stronger than the MDF I glued it to. As I mentioned, the tape grips to itself like crazy. This grip is much stronger than the MDF on my pedal board, so any time I've tried to take a pedal off the board, I've actually torn off the MDF the tape is stuck to. Using MDF was my own fault.
If you've a metal or laminated pedal board and you're using patch cables (as opposed to inflexible Z or C connectors), this is probably exactly what you need.
If you regularily remove pedals from your board, maybe go for hook and loop tape.