Like many guitarists I have a love affair with effects pedals. While I've actually managed to come up with a pedalboard that I'm almost happy with but there were a few problems with the cheap power supply I was using. It could'nt supply the current needed by some of the newer pedals I had acquired and at times it seemed to add noise to my signal ,particularly at gig volume. So I decided it was time to find a power source that could minimise noise and could power my hungry pedals. There are so many to choose from but after some research I decided to go for the cioks dc10.
The cioks dc10 is a very solid strongly constructed box and is'nt too big . The main advantage is that it is very flexible , there are a set of dip switches that allow voltages etc to be changed on some of the outlets.Handy if I get anything interesting to try out.
The instructions for how to set the dip switches are printed on the bottom of the power supply so you can see them as you are changing the dip switch settings . I've a Boss dd500 and a strymon mobius as well as a tuner, king of tone clone, wampler compressor, joyo crunchbox deluxe, and a green rhino running comfortably. the drives are noticeably quieter at gain than before.
Why did'nt I get one before ?