I was looking for a cable and module bag for my Roland TD-27. And after a very long and thorough search and reading reviews, I chose this bag, and I was not mistaken.
The quality of the bag is great and it holds the TD-27 module and many cables and other small items. This bag has pretty dense material and has 2 large pockets inside and one of those pockets has 3 sections. The outer pocket is big enough to put little things in there. I am always satisfied with the quality of Thomann products and this time I am just as satisfied.
Before I put the electronic drums module, I highly recommend buying a cover for the module to avoid scratches, during transportation and possible bumps.
Since there are no special covers for the Roland TD-27 module in this store, I bought this Thomann Mixer Stretch Dustcover at random and it fit my module almost perfectly. This cover will also fit all modules, including the TD-50 and others. It's really big!
Peace and success to all fellow musicians!