It is a good pedal but you will have to spend some time to find a full and rich sound. This pedal requires that you set up the gain of the clean or dirty channel of your amp higher than usual. I have a H&K valve amp and i set the gain of the clean channel almost to the end in order to get a rich sound. It works perfect also in the dirty channel of the amp if not better than the clean one. It does not conflict with the gain of the dirty channel at all (like other pedals), it uses it and reshapes it. An alternative is to push it with an overdrive pedal, it really comes alive with it. In this sense it acts in a similar way to an amp. You have to do a lot of tweaking to find your sound but it can sound great both on rhythm and lead. Very good note/string separation/definition, more "organic" sound than other marshal type pedals but it doesn't have much gain or "body" on its own. Its more of a gain "restructuring" pedal than a actual high gain pedal. I have also the BE-OD and they both target a similar flavor of sound but they have different operation and approach. The BE-OD has a lot of gain but it can sound "fizzy" , the room #40 has not much gain/body but the sound is more defined. I don't use the boost feature, it gets a bit muddy with that. In conclusion, a really good and (I think) unique pedal but not an excellent one.